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冲浪者天堂拖拽伞 (英文)








7月23日 16:26 





360° 空中景观

  • 冲浪者天堂天际线

  • 南斯特德布鲁克岛和波浪断层岛

  • 黄金海岸腹地的山脉,包括斯普林布鲁克山和坦伯林山


  • 鱼群

  • 鹈鹕和其他水鸟

  • 宽吻海豚

  • 海龟

  • 偶尔出现的儒艮


Gold Coast Watersports Parasailing – Fly High In The Sky

We have a parasailing boat that has been specifically designed for the job, but that doesn’t mean it is all function and no fun! Our enthusiastic deckhands will keep you amused with one-liners and tall tales throughout your trip, and after you’ve been briefed about your flight, you can sit back on an impeccably clean boat and enjoy listening to music on the water. After the boat reaches the fly zone on the Broadwater, it will be time to make your way to the platform at the back to get ready for your flight. One of our experienced deckhands will fit your harness and clip you into the parachute. The skipper will gauge the conditions, and when they are perfect, you will be released high into the sky (at a controlled rate) to begin your parasailing adventure. Once you are high enough to touch the clouds, the skipper will follow the thermals across the Broadwater to ensure you have a memorable, magical parasailing flight. There is nothing quite like flying, so be prepared to feel your cares slip away as you drift softly on the warm air currents and drink in the gorgeous views below.

Allow 2hrs in total for this experience – 1.5hrs on the boat plus 30min briefing

100% safety record

10% Surcharge will apply on Public Holidays and during Peak Periods

While you are in the air, you will have 360° views ranging from the Surfers Paradise skyline to South Stradbroke and Wave Break Islands and around to the mountains of the Gold Coast hinterland, including Springbrook and Tambourine Mountains. There is usually plenty to see in the water as well, as schools of fish, pelicans and other water birds are in abundance on the Broadwater. Our guests have reported spotting bottle-nosed dolphins, sea turtles and even the odd dugong

Fly tandem, triple or solo. Parasailing is the perfect activity for shared memories, which makes it a wonderful outing for friends, families and couples.

Please note: Minimum age is 6 years old and 22kgs. Anyone 11 or under must fly with an adult.

Maximum combined weight: 200kg
Max solo weight: 140kgs
Min solo weight: 60kgs ( please be aware that if flying solo we may need to add another person to your flight for extra weight depending on weather conditions )

You can be up to an 1.5hrs on the boat and in the air for approx 8/10 minutes.

Parasailing is a disability-friendly activity. We can easily accommodate the needs of a guest with impairment to ensure they have the opportunity to experience the wonder of flight, and the beauty of the Gold Coast area.

We know we provide the best parasailing experience on the Gold Coast because we only use fully trained staff and the very latest in equipment. That’s why we know your adventure will leave a smile on your face. We also provide exciting packages that combine parasailing with jet ski, jet boat and fly board hire.

If you have a question about parasailing, or you would like to book your flight now, please contact us. We are open seven days per week and our friendly staff members are more than happy to help you get into the air.








每周三~周日9:30/ 11:15/ 13:30/ 15:15

集合地点: [Gold Coast Watersports]  58 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise


• 安全指导
• 救生衣
• 可选单人、双人或三人拖曳伞


• 纪念照片(可购买)


• 距离您的活动时间 48 小时以上:全价预订可获得全额退款。如果您使用折扣券或促销代码进行预订,则将发放礼券。
• 欢迎您提前 24 小时至 48 小时通知重新安排您的活动,每次预订需支付 25AUD费用。
• 距离您的活动时间不到 24 小时:不允许重新安排或取消
• 如果您的活动仍按计划进行,则无法退款或重新安排。
• 如果您的活动因天气状况或其他不可预见的情况被黄金海岸水上运动取消,并且我们无法重新安排您的活动,我们将为您提供全额退款或礼品卡(取决于您的购买方式)以供将来使用或转让给朋友或家人


• 6 岁 - 11 岁必须与成人一起飞行
•总重量不超过 200 公斤(如果超过,我们将收取单独飞行的相应费用)
•单人飞行的最低重量为 60 公斤,但根据天气情况可能需要另一个人陪同
•1 人的最大重量为 140 公斤



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